Hussainian service volunteer group of deaf-mute people serves Arbaeen pilgrims

A Hussainian service volunteer group – comprised of more than 150 deaf-mute people – came to the holy city of Kerbela to serve the Arba’een pilgrims this year.

They serve pilgrims by offering them foods, water, and other services—communicating with them through sign language.

Group’s sponsor Dheya Ja’fer Hashim said to the website of the Imam Hussain Shrine that the group has been offering free services to pilgrims since 2007, and other deaf-mute people from different countries such as the golf countries, Iraq, and Iran join the group to help in offering free services. 

Hashim added that the group members bear all the expenses, although they are low-income people.

Group’s sign translator Ali Hussain said that most pilgrims like what the group offers them and feel sympathetic towards them.


Hussein Hamid El-Moosewi

Translation: Mohammed Alobaidi
