Es-Safi: Government Must Develop New Military Strategies To Liberalize All Iraqi Cities

May 22, 2015. Second part of the Friday Sermon held in the Imam Hussein holy shrine, the representative of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority and the preacher of the Friday Sermon in Kerbala city, His Eminence Sayyed Ahmed Es-Safi mentioned three important points:


The Islamic Supreme Religious Authority requested from the Security Forces to develop attacking plans and swap them with the current military strategies which depend only on defense.

Such strategies allow the terrorist group ISIS to reorganize its forces which will result in undesired consequences. For this reason, the government must develop a precise and serious attacking strategy as well as benefit from the experienced military individuals.    

In addition, the government must replace the individuals who retreated from the battlefields and left their weapons for ISIS. It is essential to punish such individuals for these kinds of actions.


The occurred events during the past few in some parts of Iraq were not a result of a strong fight with ISIS. The truth is that there are numerous media organization which spread rumors that magnify the actual situation of the country.

The motive behind such actions is to weaken the will and confidence of the Iraqi fighter; similar to past events in Ramadi and El-Enbar.

Unfortunately, there are several military leaders who have betrayed their fellow soldiers on the battlefields which resulted in the killing of my brave soldiers and volunteers. Such individuals work according to a particular agenda and are the reason behind the retreating of the Iraqi fighters.


The brave and courageous volunteers who dedicated their lives for the sake of defending their country have proven their ability in eliminating the threat of terrorism from many Iraqi cities. Their effort in fighting ISIS originates from their love for their nation and their fellow citizens.

For this reason, it is requested from the government and the Military Department to support the Iraqi fighters and provide the necessary military requirements in order to defeat the threat of any terrorist attack.
