Condoling the Awaited Imam EL-Mahdi (may God hasten his appearance) & our grand scholars with the martyrdom of Imam Hassan (p.b.u.h)

Our deepest sympathy to the awaited Imam EL_Muntadhar (may God hasten his appearance), our grand scholars and the Islamic nation in the memory of the martyrdom of the mercy of God and the master of all the young of paradise Imam Hassan EL-Mujtaba (p.b.u.h). He is the Imam who has been martyred in poison in 50 A.H. by his wife Ju'da the daughter of EL-Asha'ath, by be instigated and tempted by Mo'awiya Bin Abi Sufyan, who promised her to marry her to his son Yazeed, then allocated a hundred dirhams to her. Peace be upon you Oh what a martyred, poisoned and wronged you are Aba Mohammed Imam Hassan. What a blessed piece of land which contained your holy body. We pray that God might consider us of your followers, proceeders on your path and winners of your. By: Mohammed Jassim