Es-Safi: Government Must Provide Safety And Services For Pilgrims While Advising Iraqi

Citizens To Reflect The True Image Of Iraqi Manners Dec 5, 2014. Second part of the Friday Sermon held in the Imam Hussein holy shrine, the representative of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority and the preacher of the Friday Sermon in Kerbala city, His Eminence Sayyed Ahmed Es-Safi mentioned four important points: First: The progress of the Military Forces along with the volunteers in many areas around the country must be dealt with cautiousness and awareness. Due to the fact that the enemy will try to exploit any opportunity to restore the areas they conquered. For this reason, the Military Forces and all the brave and courageous volunteers must maintain their positions and not surrender to the evil acts of the terrorist groups. Second: It is evident that once a country is under war, it will be accompanied by some problems which must be avoided as much as possible. For instance, some individuals seize a wide territory belonging to the government. Those areas are customized to create important projects such as schools, clinics, and other projects that provide services for the citizens. The issue in larger then this picture, if the government hastened the initiation of these projects then these problems would not have existed. Hence, the government must find solutions to these problems and create development opportunities to overcome the depression of this country. Third: The change that is occurring in various military and security institutions with the motive of improvement in performance and advancement is a very significant step towards development and ending corruption. Additionally, the officials that are soon to be replaced must be substituted with ones that fit the scientific, professional and national standards. For this reason, the government must exert all its energy and potential to stop the collapse of the country's security and work for the preservation of the country's resources. Forth: A few points must be emphasized regarding the pilgrimage and pilgrims: 1st On the road to the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him), there are many benefits for self-development that require the pilgrims to take advantage of. For this reason, the pilgrims must value this successful journey due to the fact that it sustains blessings for humanity. 2nd The road to Kerbala sustains groups of distinguished informants who have speared their time to guide the pilgrims regarding doctrinal and moral aspects. Hence, the pilgrims are requested to take advantage of these sessions to develop and strengthen the religious side of their lives. 3rd Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him) along with his family and companions are role models to all of humanity despite of any religion. Due to the fact that they gave real life lessons in respecting others and obeying the law. For this reason, there are public rights that must be obeyed and should not be infringed by anyone while maintaining public property. The pilgrims who came from around the globe and faced challenges to humbly visit the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him) also have rights. For example, the processions leaders need to lessen the use of amplifiers so there is no interferences with humbleness of the pilgrims. 4th Every pilgrimage season, the Holy Shrine faces issues regarding the transportation and services provided for the pilgrims. Every year, the Holy Shrine has mentioned and emphasized that the government must exert their energies to transport pilgrims and provide the necessary safety requirements and needs of the pilgrims. It is also significant to note that every Iraqi citizen is responsible to reflect the true image of their country's manners when crossing borders. Translated By: Ahmed Ali
