More Than 180 Satellite TV Channels Cover Ashura Pilgrimage to Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him)

There is a great number of the Husseinian Processions that are still, nowadays, going into the El-Abbas Holy Shrine and then into the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine, shouting and expressing their sorrow on the tragedy of Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon him) and how he had been martyred. Those processions have a great history for they have been serving pilgrims from father to son. They usually deliver magnificent poems on Imam Hussein in addition to giving many kinds of food to pilgrims for free. Moreover, the number of the Husseinian processions has been increasing, and it is now more than 600 processions available, serving pilgrims in the holy city of Kerbala. By: Yser Esh-Shimerri Translated by: Mohammed Jasim
