Imam Hussein Holy Shrine Stand Excels in the Second International Mass Media Exhibition

Great participation being performed by the Media Department of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine in the Second International Mass Media Exhibition being held in Tehran, Iran in terms of keeping pace with the recent evolution in the field of technology. The participation has been done complying with the directives of the Secretary-General of the Imam Hussein holy Shrine Sheikh Abdul-Mehdi el-Kerbala'i in terms of cross-fertilizing ideas and exchanging experiences. The participation was unique for displaying the Imam Hussein holy Shrine banner in the exhibition, in addition to some other activities such as Offering Prayer Promise; a promise an individual makes to Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him) that they never neglect offering prayers, and therefore they leave their thumbprint on a sheet. In addition, women also, if desired, promise to wear scarf. Moreover, writing a letter to Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him) in which the adorers of Ahlul-Bayt (Peace Be Upon Them) can write down their wishes, and those letters will go inside the lattice-enclosed tomb of Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him). A great number of visitors visited the stand of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine, where some people registered their names in order to be offered pilgrimage to Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him). By: Ibrahim El-Owainy Translated by: Mohammed Jasim