Prayers at Imam Hussein for Iraqi Shia, Sunnie, Christian, Mandaic, Arab, Kurdish, & Turkmen People

Ibrahim Hemeed, Iraqi citizen, raised a piece of paper at the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine, written on it prayers for protecting Iraqi Shia, Sunnie, Christian, Mandaic, Arab, Kurdish, and Turkmen people. Hemeed, said, "I am so certain that my prayers will be heard, because I have prayed right under the holy dome of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine; which has special divine characteristics through which no prayer is turned down." He mentioned that what he did was a message to all Iraqi people that the recent ruling of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority, His Eminence, Grand Ayatullah Ali Es-Sayestany, calls for taking up arms and defending Iraq. By: Wela' Es-SeffarTranslated by: Mohammed Jasim