Continuity of the Fifth Annual Quranic Week activities

Khatemul-Enbya' auditorium in the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine has witnessed the Fifth Annual Quranic Week activities held by the Shiite Endowment Office- the International Center for Quranic sciences. The activities have been attended by many Quran reciters from various Iraqi provinces. It will continue until Thursday Oct 3, 2013. The assistant head of the International Center for Quranic sciences said that that the Quranic Week included many activities such as a Quran contest, and the National Elite Contest for memorizing, interpreting and reciting the Noble Quran, which is divided into three branches: First branch is memorizing ten chapters of the Noble Quran, the second branch is memorizing twenty chapters of the Noble Quran and the third branch is thirty chapters of the Noble Quran.He also said that the third contest is on interpreting five chapters of the Noble Quran starting with the tenth chapter to the fifteenth, where the competitors compete each other successively.The competitor Ali Fekhrud-Deen from Kerkuk, said that it was his third participation successively in the field of reciting the Noble Quran.He also expressed his impression about the participation which opened the doors for the youth in terms of communicating and exchanging experiences with the other participating people. He extended his gratitude to the Shiite Endowment Office for holding such magnificent participation. Also, he thanked the media for covering the whole activities.By: Mostafa Mulla HethalTranslated by: Mohammed Jasim Mohamed
