Imam Hussein Holy Shrine holds a conference on the medical services for the coming millionth pilgrimage

The Imam Hussein Holy Shrine held a conference on the medical services for the coming millionth pilgrimage, where many heads of medical centers from the center and the south of Iraq attended.The deputy Secretary-General of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine Sayed Afdel Esh-Sheami, mentioned that the Ima Hussein Holy Shrine held that conference in order to offer all the medical services for the pilgrims. It is a very important issue to perform. Dr. Jalao Khan, the head of the Es-Sefeer Medical Complex mentioned that the purpose of holding such a conference is to point out all the weak points to avoid in the future and to fill up all the gaps during this process. He also mentioned that all the medical requirements, and a high-achieving staff should be available to help pilgrims. He said further that three workshops had been held in order to enhance the capability of offering services. By: Mostafa Mulla HethalTranslated by: Mohammed Jasim Mohammed
