Fifth Quranic Week activities to begin in the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine

Sep 28, 2013. The Fifth Quranic Week activities began in the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine held by the National Center for the Quranic Knowledge which belongs to the Shiite Endowment Office. The ceremony has been attended by the Secretary-General of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine Sheikkh Abdul Mehdi El-Kerbala'i, the head of the Shiite Endowment Office Sayed Salih El-Haideri, in addition to some Quran reciters, college teachers, and scholars from different cities of Iraq.Mr. Adel El-Kinani, the head of the National Center for the Quranic Knowledge mentioned, "We are here in the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine in order to revive the Quranic activities. This Quranic Week has several activities such as contests for memorizing 10 chapters, 20 chapters, and the whole Noble Quran. Also, there are some contests."The Secretary-General of the Egyptian Quran League, Dr. Faraj Allah Esh-Shathili, said, "We are here in the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine holding a great Quranic ceremony which is not only for Quran, it is involving the knowledge of the Noble Quran." He also stressed that the youth should always read and recite the Noble Quran. He extended his thankfulness to the Iraqi people for granting such an opportunity, and hoped the same ceremony would be held in some other Holy Shrines in Iraq. By: Mostafa Mulla HethalTranslated by: Mohammed Jasim Mohammed
