Es-Safi, recalls for concerning the educational aspect, & warns of leading Iraq to a mono-funded budget

Sep 27, 2013. Second part of the Friday Sermon held in the Imam Hussein holy shrine, the representative of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority and the preacher of the Friday Sermon in Kerbala city, his eminence Sayed Ahmed Es-Safi, recalled for taking care of the educational aspect especially the institutional facilities. He shed light upon patriotism, and having the staff feel the responsibility of spreading such a sense. He also mentioned that building a society requires perfect facilities and infrastructure, in addition to instill patriotism in people. And what would start from the kindergarten up to the college, where a student spend approximately 22 to 26 in those educational facilities. And such a time considered the best of the age in the whole life. Also mentioned that some authorities had failed to lead people to feel patriot, while others had been opposing constructing the required facilities. His eminence has clarified that there are many schools have two school shifts in order to meet the need of the students due to the lack of schools. His eminence wondered if there are any laid out plans for the next generations, and it is one of the responsibilities of the Ministry of Higher Education which should care for all the students in Iraq. His eminence has also shed light upon the budget that everything is laid out according to.Especially, when there is no economic plans for the future of Iraq. He also called for the taking care of the private sectors which contribute in the resources of the country without concentrating on the oil resource only. He also said further that the government and all the concerned authorities should lay out a plan in order to fulfill all the elements necessary to enhance all the aspects of the economy due to the importance of the economy of the country, besides, supporting the Ministries financially to build a better level of life. He concluded by mentioning the process of funding, starting from the oil resources, where if the funds go to the constructions no funds would remain to continue the funding cycle. Translated by: Moahmmed Jasim MOhammed
