Traits obtained about performing pilgrimage to Imam Hussein (p.b.u.h)

Added to the great reward of performing pilgrimage to Imam Hussein (p.b.u.h), there are traits have been obtained about performing the pilgrimage to Imam Hussein (p.b.u.h) in which every believer should be aware of. The traits are: 1. Improving the spirit of God-fearing, altruism and courage in the faithful person through analyzing and studying the life of Imam Hussein (p.b.u.h) and the aims of his immortal revivalism. 2. Supporting the truth eternally, because there is no neutralism between the truth army and the falsehood army, and each pilgrim should learn the lesson from the attitude of the companions of Imam Hussein (p.b.u.t). 3. Praying to be inspired with the patience of Imam Hussein and his family (p.b.u.t) in tribulations and calamities. 4. Benefiting from performing pilgrimage and rituals accompanying by realizing the differences happen to the self by not committing sins, wrongdoings and avoiding prohibited acts or being unjust . By: Mohammed Jassim