Imam Hussein holy shrine installs a huge tent on Najaf-Kerbala road

Under the guidance of the Secretariat-General of the Imam Hussein holy shrine; the city of pilgrims located on Najaf-Kerbala road, and despite being incomplete yet; it began receiving and serving pilgrims. Mr. Hisham EL-Ameedy, the in charge of the city of pilgrims talked to us about this respect saying, "The city of pilgrims holds 6000 pilgrims a day. A huge tent has been installed inside of it, it is 80 meters long and 15 meters wide, it also includes a dining facility and rest facility for pilgrims. The city of pilgrims includes a movable clinic in coordination with Kerbala Health Directorate for dealing with emergency situations. The clinic is also supplied with medical items such as Sonar, resuscitation system, laboratory and pharmacy. Also, there is a facility for consulting legal opinion in addition to laundry". It's mentioned that the city provides food for pilgrims 24 hours during the days of the pilgrims. Also, it's equipped with (RO) water and a factory for making sterilized bottled water in order to directly provide pilgrims with pure water. In respect of security; the city is equipped with specialized personnel and devices to detect explosion items and other security issues. By: Mohammed Jassim