EL-Qewareer female magazine issued by the intellectual affairs of the Imam Hussein holy shrine

Believing in the necessity of promulgating the Islamic culture and working on expanding the horizons of the educational message to include all the classes of the society, the intellectual affairs of the Imam Hussein holy shrine issued a female periodical titled (EL-Qewareer). This periodical deals with the female's affairs and issues, it's supervised by the female unit of the intellectual affairs of the Imam Hussein holy shrine. For more information about this respect; Sayed Muyaser EL-Hakeem, the head of the intellectual activities detailed saying, "It's been four months of working on preparing the first issue, then it's eventually been published. The periodical takes care of everything concerning the Zainabian sisters through various topics such as female jurisprudence, family & society, studies, advice, inquiries and dignity of the female, most famous females, female & technology, and female readership writings. This periodical grants a great opportunity for the faithful female to participate in and enrich it with their knowledge". He also said that the purpose of entitling the periodical with (EL-Qewareer) title is regarding the Prophetic tradition that says (be kind to the female), in accordance with that tradition; the intellectual affairs of the Imam Hussein holy shrine adopted the idea of issuing a periodical which deals with every issue concerns the female. It's also been mentioned that the (EL-Qewareer) periodical is the first one issued by a female personnel at the Imam Hussein holy shrine. By: Mohammed Jassim