Litterateurs, Multiculturalists, Clerics Affirm Dialog and Unity against Infidel Campaigns  

The participating parties in the 11th Global Cultural Conference of Martyrdom Spring expressed their happiness about taking part in such a stately conference, and affirmed that one of the great lessons they learned throughout the conference was unity values and standing up together to the tyrants and unjust individuals.  

Kenadi, an Ukrainian priest, said, “We have learned the lofty principles and values of martyrdom embodied by the grandson of the Prophet Mohammed (Allah’s Peace & Blessings Be Upon Him & His Pure Lineage). I actually also saw the glimpse of illumination and guidance rising from the holy city of Kerbala.”

Dr. Yehya Bin Zekarya, media man from Algiers, said, “Being in Kerbala, on the birth anniversary of Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him) is a start point from which we begin to build a new intellectual and cultural system that gathers all Arabs and Muslims to meet with the Christians in order to defeat the terrorists and rectify the view of Islam.”


By: Ali El-Khafagi

Translated by: Mohammed Jasim


