Parachutists Landing Between Imam Hussein and El-Abbas Holy Shrines    

Within the activities of the 11th Global Cultural Conference of Martyrdom Spring, and on the occasion of the anniversaries of the births of some of the Ahlul-Bayet (Peace Be Upon Them), the area between the Imam Hussein and the El-Abbas Holy Shrines witnessed landing four parachutists, where the delegations of the conference and a great number of people crowded.

The parachutists carried banners: first one said “O' Hussein, Here I am,” second one was the Iraqi flag, third one was the banner of El-Abbas (Peace Be Upon Him), and fourth one carried the sign of the conference.

The parachutists inspired the throng and created a great atmosphere for them. 

By: Ibrahim El-Oainy

Translated by: Mohammed Jasim
