Representative of Supreme Religious Authority calls for maintaining ethical, social, scientific concepts

In Friday’s sermon delivered by the representative of the Shia Muslim Supreme Religious Authority, sheikh Abdul-Mehdi Elkerbela’i at the Imam Hussain Shrine on March 29, 2019, Elkerbela’i called on Iraq’s governmental foundations, civil society organizations, and the members of the society to take care of culture, reading, and science.

He said that some service, worldly, and life concepts are taken care of, while others, such as cultural, intellectual, social, economical, national, honor, self, and ethical concepts are not, noting that the other concepts must be maintained to achieve a good life.

Elkerbela’i called for gaining intellect from the proper sources and avoiding negative internal and external influences, such as fanaticism, anger, vanity, and tumult that may affect proper intellect.

He stressed that the ethics of work, intellect, and professionalism should be employed to benefit people, not to damage them.

He then called on people to strengthen ties with one another, show leniency, love, brotherhood, friendship, visit one another, and avoid bigotry, jealousy, rivalry, and conflicts.

Elkerbela’i concluded, saying that the Iraqi government and society must take responsibility for providing environmental, professional, and healthy safety devices across the country. In addition, he said, cleanliness of streets, markets, rivers, and public places is the society’s responsibility.


Editing: Seddeaq Abood

Translation: Mohammed Elobaidi
