Supreme Religious Authority commends security forces for recapturing Kirkuk without bloodshed


October 20, 2017, in the second part of the Friday's Sermon held at Imam Hussein Shrine, sheikh Abdul-Mehdi El-Kerbela’e, representative of the Shia Muslim Supreme Religious Authority, and the preacher of the Friday's Sermon, said:


“We highly appreciate the security forces, who re-deployed in the disputed territories, for recapturing the city of Kirkuk without bloodshed,” emphasizing that avoiding conflicts with the Kurds is a victory for all Iraqi people.


He added, “We call on the Iraqis: Arab, Kurdish, and Turkmen, to have this victory as a turning point to co-exist peacefully and build a better future for everyone.”


El-Kerbela’e mentioned that it is everyone’s responsibility to fairly solve the issues – accumulated during the previous years – according to the Iraqi constitution; although the constitution is still lacking important articles, but it was accepted by the majority of the Iraqis.


He also said that the Iraqis who are in power ought to strengthen the Iraqi national cohesion, fulfill the needs of the Iraqis based on the constitution, refrain from using the retaliation language, and deescalate tension.


He said further that preventing sabotage and stopping sectarian demonstrators will help the displaced families return home, emphasizing that the Iraqi government ought to take appropriate procedures by pursuing those who threaten the peaceful co-existence, especially those who post videos that instigate people to harbor hostility against others.


El-Kerbela’e, in his closing remarks, called on the Kurdish leaders – that he described generous – to work on unifying themselves to overcome the current crisis based on the Iraqi constitution.



By: Mohammed Es-Sewaf

Translation: Mohammed Alobaidi
