AL-Zaynabee Hill


Al-Zaynabee Hill is the place where lady Zaynab stood and cried out to her brother Imam Hussain to secure her from Ibn Ziyad’s army who had flamed the tents their family were in, however,  she did not hear any reply because the army had slaughtered her brother.

The hill sets  ~10 meters west of the holy shrine of Imam Hussain and is noticed by pilgrims through its dome and the banner that carries “Asalamo Alaikey ya Zaynab Al-Kubra”.

Hill construction stages:

First construction-1339

Similar to an ancient house, the Hill held a bronze net and several metal candelabra. There were also some drawings that illustrated the Battle of Taf.

Second reconstruction-1400

Hajj Abbas Al-Wakeel rebuilt the Hill by expanding and remodelling it with Karbala tile.

Third reconstruction-1420

Sayed Yousef Al-Habooby renovated and renewed the Hill

 Final reconstruction-2004

The General Secretary of the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussain developed the most-advanced reconstruction in 2004. The Hill was completely renovated by adding new interior marble walls as well as a pure silver net.



