Preparations to hold conference on Human Rights attended by elite figures from all over the world

Complying with the directives of the Secretary-General of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine, His Eminence sheikh Abdul-Mehdi El-Kerbala’e, indicating the necessity to be open to the other humanitarian organizations all over the world and to introduce them to the Human Rights of Ahlul-Bayet (Peace Be Upon Them), the head of the preparatory committee of the Sejjadian Treatise of Human Rights Conference, Mr Jamal Ed-Deen Esh-Shehrestani, stated the beginning of preparations for holding the annual conference in which elite specialists in Human Rights from all over the world participate. He mentioned that the conference is attempting to complete its project which is having the Treatise of Human Rights, by Imam Ali Es-Sejjad; son of Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Them), internationalized. He said further that many invitations were sent to humanitarian organizations in the European countries, and letters have been received expressing willingness for attendance and participation. By: Wela’ Es-SeffarTranslated by: Mohammed Alobaidi
