Contracts with Pakistan

  The Imam Hussein Holy Shrine is taking the initiative to sign contracts with some printing houses in Islamabad, Pakistan in order to print all the necessary brochures, pictures, and pamphlets that promulgate the knowledge of Ahlul-Bayet (Peace Be Upon Them). Maithem El-Husseini, member of the preparatory committee, said that the International Media Unit of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine is going to translate tens of books in Iraq and have thousands of copies of those books printed in Islamabad. Some of the books that have been translated are: Complete Guide to Salutations, Miracles of Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him), and Soil of Kerbala, Biography of the Companion Ibrahim El-Mujab (Peace Be Upon Him), Biography of E-Hur Er-Ryahi (Peace Be Upon Him), and Biography of Hebeen Bin Mudhahir El-Esedi (Peace Be Upon Him). By: Belasim Esh-Shemri - PakistanTranslated by: Mohammed Jasim Alobaidi  
