Es-Safi: Commends Achieved Victories And Warms Government From The Impact Of Political Differences

Nov. 7, 2014. Second part of the Friday Sermon held in the Imam Hussein holy shrine, the representative of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority and the preacher of the Friday Sermon in Kerbala city, His Eminence Sayyed Ahmed Es-Safi mentioned two important points: The achieved victories by the Iraqi military forces and volunteers that have taken place in some parts of the country have played a great role in paralyzing the movement of the terrorist groups. First: The previous experiences during the past years have proven that the political differences have negatively impacted the development of the country. This is evidently seen through the regression of the military forces and the instability of the security situation. The reaction to this lack of development resulted in the entrance of some terrorist group who conquering several areas and cities of the country. These political differences have also amplified the sectarian differences which caused hatred and tension between many citizens. For this reason, the blame falls upon the government for not providing the necessary security systems and military supplies. Hence, politicians must resolve these differences due to the fact that the lives of many citizens depend on their decisions. Second: A few of the military divisions are not built on a professional and scientific platform due to the lack of development and support to the military forces. The most significant reason is the prevalence of financial and administrative corruption in the military institution. For this reason, the institution is blamed for any existing lack of development because huge financial amounts were spent to revive and improve the military forces. However, the faithful warriors in the Iraqi armed forces along with the courageous volunteers are highly appreciated for their efforts in protecting and defending their homeland. Yet, in order to fully remove the threat of these terrorist groups, the government must solve these problems that weaken the institution. Lastly, his Eminence prays to Allah the Almighty to guide the military forces and volunteers to victory and lead them to success. Translated By: Ahmed Ali
