El-Kerbala'i: Warms From Media Campaigns Attenuating Wills

Oct 17, 2014. Second part of the Friday Sermon held in the Imam Hussein holy shrine, the representative of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority and the preacher of the Friday Sermon in Kerbala city, His Eminence Sheikh Abdul-Mehdi El-Kerbala'i mentioned two important issues: First: Despite the denominations of the Iraqi citizens, the battle against ISIS in parts of the country still continues. There has been strong movement forward; however, failure is occurring in some areas especially what happened in El-Embarr. We have noticed that some media campaigns are spreading rumors about the terrorist group over taking some areas and cities in Iraq and especially Baghdad. From here, we emphasize that all citizen should to be cautious and fully aware of the real objectives behind these media campaigns. Due to the fact that their motive is to introduce fear and terror in the hearts and weaken the morale of the Iraqi Armed Forces, volunteers and attenuation of their determination and will after the concrete victories they have achieved in several areas. Some of those who had been planning to achieve certain goals from the expiatory control over some cities of Iraq were surprised and shocked after the issuance appeal of the Supreme Religious Authority for citizens to volunteer to defend Iraq and the Holy Shrines. We emphasize that the Iraqi-Armed Forces and the brave volunteers who joined are producing great victories by defending their land from ISIS. A clear example of bravery manifested itself in some cities like Amerly and Dhuluhia which did not possess enough weapons or gear, yet stood strong against the terrorist attacks for months. The key issue is that some people believe that the solution is to rely mainly on others to protect the country from the subjected risks. However, this does not mean ending good relations and cooperation with friendly neighbor countries, but the primary reliance should be on the Iraqis themselves. Second: As previously stated, it is very significant for the citizens and volunteers to remain sustaining their momentum and to maintain their spirit to fiercely fight the enemies of Iraq. For this reason, we emphasize two important things from the concerned government First: Organize and implement a strict application in choosing the proper volunteers to join the armed forces and battlefronts to exclude the few who ruin and offend the reputation of the volunteers. Second: Provide financial support for volunteers who do not sustain a steady source of income. It is also important to provide them with the necessary amount of weaponry and gear. It is the government's duty to check the needs and requirements of the brave warriors to help encourage them with the fight against terrorism. At the same time, we urge the dear and brave fighters to stay strong despite suffering from the lack of support, because Allah the Almighty tests the extent patience of His servants. For this reason, they must have patience, endurance, and confidence that Allah the Almighty will soon guide them to victory and will relieve this nation. Translated By: Ahmed Ali