Competition in Writing on Imam Es-Sejjad (PBUH)

The Secretariat-General of the Imam Hussain Holy Shrine has invited all authors and literary men to write a book or a research on Imam Es-Sejjad (Peace Be Upon Him). All books or researches might be sent to, and the deadline will be on Aug 8, 2014. The subjects of the researches will be on: 1. The role of Imam Es-Sejjad (Peace Be Upon Him) in the Hussainian Revivalism. 2. Imam Es-Sejjad's relation with the rulers at his time. 3. Imam Es-Sejjad's role in disseminating the Islam of Ahlul-Bayt (Peace Be Upon Them) "Analytical Study". 4. The Didactic Impression of the Supplications of Imam Es-Sejjad (Peace Be Upon Him). 5. Human Rights Between the Treatise on Human Rights by Imam Es-Sejjad (Peace Be Upon Him) and the Human Rights laws. (Comparative Study). 6. The Role of Imam Es-Sejjad (Peace Be Upon Him) in Manumission. (Analytical Study). 7. Animal Rights in the Perspective of Imam Es-Sejjad (Peace Be Upon Him)..Clauses of the competition:1. a book or a research should not be less than 150 A4 pages –with 16 font size, and not more than 200 pages. 2. the page should not have more than 24 lines including footnote. 3. the work should not have been participated in any conference before. There is another call for composing a vertical poem about Imam Es-Sejjad (Peace Be Upon Him). The poet should have 30 to 40 verses, which should have not been participated in any conferences or competition. Translated by: Mohammed Jasim