Oct 25, 2013. Second part of the Friday Sermon held in the Imam Hussein holy shrine, the representative of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority and the preacher of the Friday Sermon in Kerbala city, his eminence Sayed Ahmed Es-Safi, raised a photo of an Iraqi person's name is Ismael Jasim, from Semawa, who passed away in 1966. Such an Iraqi person whose honesty stirred German archeologists to build a statue representing him, in the German museum, after he had been trusted on something.After his eminence cited the statue of Ismael Jasim, he shed light upon the attention which should be given by the government to the employees in order to encourage them towards a better achievement. He added that all the Iraqi Ministries should lay out a special mechanism in terms of rewarding the creative people.He clarified that there were some negative elements which require immediate changing because they might probably disappoint the employees, and unfortunately, they are more than positive elements. His eminence pointed out that Iraq has many naturally talented and creative people, whom should receive a special attention.He then asked successful politicians of Kerbala, for establishing projects and acts that instill patriotism in people. He also mentioned that there are some problems being dealt with nowadays which were not available before, but brought on because of the spiteful acts of politicians. On the contrary, politicians should reflect the best image possible. And by doing all these elements would attract the Iraqis who lived abroad. Translated by: Mohammed Jasim
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