Pilgrims of Imam Hussein (PBUH), re-pledging allegiance to Imam Ali (PBUH), & congratulations on Ghedeer Festival

After offering a great pilgrimage to Imam Hussein (PBUH), pilgrims blissfully congratulated the whole world and the Islamic nation particularly on the anniversary of appointing Imam Ali (PBUH) as a Caliph (Successor) by the Prophet Mohammed (Allah's mercy & blessings be upon him & his pure progeny).A crowed of pilgrims directed to pray for all Muslims to be unified. Ghedeer Festival- is the day when the Prophet Mohammed (Allah's mercy & blessings be upon him & his pure progeny) addressed the people and declared the appointment of Ali Bin Abi Talib (PBUH) as a direct Caliph (successor) right after him. The sermon that the Prophet Mohammed (Allah's mercy & blessings be upon him & his pure progeny) addressed namely Hujatul Weda' (Farewell Sermon) before his death. It occurred in a place called Ghedeer Khum, where a verse of the Noble Quran was revealed declaring, " This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion."By: Ibrahim El-Uaini Translated by: Mohammed Jasim
