Employees of Imam Hussein & El-Abbas Shrines commemorate martyrdom Imam Ej-Jewad (PBUH)

Oct 6, 2013. In an atmosphere which sorrow pervades everything, the Secretariats-General of the Imam Hussein and the El-Abbas Holy Shrines console the Awaited Imam El-Mehdi, (May Allah hasten his reappearance) and the whole Islamic nation on the martyrdom of Imam Ej-Jewad (PBUH). The employees of the Imam Hussein and the El-Abbas Holy Shrines have mourned the such an anniversary, and covered the whole of the Holy Shrines of Imam Hussein and El-Abbas with the mourning band. The employees have marched from the El-Abbas Holy Shrine to the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine reiterating shouts, expressing their sorrow. The march of employees have attended a ceremony on the martyrdom the Imam Ej-Jewad (PBUH). both of the Holy Shrines have witnessed processions coming in and out performing rituals of the anniversary. It's been mentioned that the Imam (PBUH) was named Mohammed when he had been in the sublime backbone, and divinely purified wombs, his father is Imam Er-Rida, his grandfather is Musa El-Kadhim, son of Ja'fer Es-Sadiq, son of Mohammed El-Baqir, son of Ali Es-Sejjad, son of Hussein, son of Ali Bin Abi Talib (Peace be upon them.) By: Mostafa Mulla Hethal Translated by: Mohammed Jasim Mohammed
