Pleasure, participants express, at the Fifth Quranic Week

The participants of the National Elite Quranic Contest have expressed their pleasure and comfortableness being participating in the activities of the Quranic contest. Deya Yousuf Jasim, from Basrah', a contestant said that it was his first participation in the contest of memorizing ten chapters of the Noble Quran. He also said, "Such contests prompt our capabilities, especially in mastering the rules of reciting and articulation." Also, he praised the personnel for their marvelous Quranic event.Qasim Mohammed Sheheed, a contestant from Kerbala said that it was a high-level contest in terms of motivating the Quran reciters and memorizers. Also, it is to enhance the knowledge and awareness of the competitors in the Noble Quran. Abdul Edheem Kheleel from D'hoak, said that the contest is very informative and to strengthen the relations among the Quran reciters, in addition to cross-fertilizing ideas and exchanging experiences. By: Mostafa Mulla HethalTranslated by: Mohammed Jasim Mohammed
