Sayed EL-Safi, "We call all candidates for not using their positions for self-interest"

Apr 12, 2013, Second part of the Friday sermon held in the Imam Hussein holy shrine, the representative of the supreme religious authority and the preacher of the Friday sermon in Kerbala city, his Eminence Sayed Ahmed EL-Safi mentioned what was happening then.His eminence has said that the election was important and needed to be thought about carefully by choosing the best candidate. Candidates have to keep their promises after they would be elected by the people.As the candidates have been touring many places in order to circulate and to gain as many people as possible to win the election, but the matters impossible to be fulfilled might not be promised to be done in case of a candidate chosen. Credibility must have been available between candidates and people.He also mentioned that the election needed to be impartially accomplished according to the standards. By: Mohammed Jasim