Sayed EL-Safy clarifies what he stated in his last speech concerning the strivers in the security forces

EL-Kefeel international website obtained a clarification given by Sayed Ahmed EL-Safy about his speech in the Friday's prayer sermon held in the Imam Hussein holy shrine on 21-Dec-2012. about the strivers in the security forces. The clarification was a reply to a question raised. The question was: To His Eminence, the preacher of Friday's prayer sermon. Best greetings. There was no enough clarification about your speech delivered about the strivers in the security forces. We hope to obtain an enough answer clarifies the importance of this service offered. In the name of God: I'd like to thank you for asking for an explanation about this matter. Our brother strivers have spent a long time of their life defending their noble country. They went through many difficult situations in order to restore the dignity to this deep-rooted country after it had been ripped off by the unjust. Thanks and praise be to God for restoring that dignity by virtue of God and the efforts of the strivers. Our brother strivers are well known with their obvious loyalty, and this loyalty made them bear what they bore. Without their love, loyalty or eagerness to their country; they wouldn't bear anything, and it is obvious for anyone. Concerning the speech mentioned; the security forces deal with great defiance, so we have to be better by going through many training courses to be ready for anything. We pray to God for protecting our country and all the security forces that struggle for serving it. All prayers and peace be upon Mohammed and his chaste family. Ahmed EL-Safy By: Mohammed Jassim