City of pilgrims receiving people & offering the best services

City of pilgrims located on Babylon-Kerbala road started receiving people and offering the best services for the millionth gatherings coming on foot to Kerbala city in order to memorialize reminiscence of the Fortieth pilgrimage of Imam Hussein (p.b.u.h). It's been mentioned by some specialists that the city of pilgrims represents a quantum leap in the projects achieved by the holy shrine and a fascinating architectural masterpiece, rather than the modern services it offers, those services might not be seen by some people in some countries which preceded us in development and progress.Pilgrims expressed their thankfulness and gratitude to the Secretariat-General of the Imam Hussein holy shrine for the faithful efforts done to achieve such a project to serve the pilgrims of the master of martyrs Imam Hussein (p.b.u.h). By: Mohammed Jassim