Publishing researches on Imam Ali E-Sejjad inside and outside of Iraq guaranteed

The chairman of the preparatory committee of the Sejjadian Treatise of Rights Conference stated obtaining permission of the Secretary-General of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine, sheikh Abdul-Mehdi El-Kerbala’e, to publish all the participants’ researches and dissertations on Imam Ali son of Imam Hussein “Es-Sejjad” (Peace Be Upon Them).He also said that the conference will be held on the 25th of Muharram month, the anniversary martyrdom of Imam Ali “Es-Sejjad” (Peace Be Upon Him).    He said further that the preparatory committee is willing to receive the researches now to publish them inside and outside of Iraq.  You can send your research to: trl@imamhussain.orgBy: Wela’ Es-SeffarTranslated by: Mohammed Alobaidi