Es-Safi stresses necessity of shouldering responsibilities to eliminate terrorism and corruption

Oct 2, 2015. Second part of the Friday's Sermon held at the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine, the representative of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority, and the preacher of the Friday's Sermon in Kerbala, His Eminence sayyid Ahmed Es-Safi mentioned three issues, saying: 


The war that Iraq is nowadays confronting is crucial; Iraqi army, paramilitaries, and tribal armed people are overdoing their best to eliminate terrorism which is aiming to destroy the world’s humanity. Therefore, it is so important to shoulder responsibilities and strengthen the state’s interior affairs; that will positively influence the warriors in the battlefields.


None of the state officials or others can deny the necessity of reformation, but approximately all the parties agree on that, and that still requires a fully considered plan to implement the reform process. One of the most important steps to achieve reform in the government is to prosecute corruptors. If corruptors are not prosecuted and funds are not returned, corruption will continue to exist, and corruptors will continue to swindle people.


At the beginning of the school year, we hope that our students will succeed in their life scientifically and vocationally because, one day, they will occupy important positions in the government to faithfully serve their country.

His Eminence called on the concerned parties to provide the students with everything needed in order to enhance the level of education and ethics by primarily strengthening the infrastructure of schools, providing highly qualified teachers, and taking care of the educational institutions. In addition, incentives on patriotism should be taught within the curriculum.

Translated by: Mohammed Jasim
