Sufi sheikh writes a book on Imam Ali's grievance, delivers a poem on Imam Es-Sejjad

The committee of the Sej-Jadian Rhythmical Supplications Conference invited Dr and sheikh Mazin Esh-Shereef, a Sufi scholar, to deliver his poem he wrote on Imam Es-Sejjad (Peace Be Upon Him).

Esh-Shereef was born in Er-Ruadhi, Tunisia, in 1979. He is a poet, thinker, narrator, litterateur, expert in security and military affairs, specialized in Islamic currents, researcher in Quranic knowledge, Sufism, and Gnosticism. He has written and published many books, articles, and poems.

Esh-Shehristani, a member of the committee, stated that Esh-Shereef is one of those who believe in the imamate of Ahlul-Bayet (Peace Be Upon Them). He also mentioned that Esh-Shereef wrote a book on Imam Ali’s (Peace Be Upon Him) grievance.

Esh-Shereef mentioned in his book that:

Prophet Mohammed (Allah’s Blessings & Peace Be Upon Him & His Pure Lineage) said to Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him), “You’re to me like Aaron to Moses.” And he is the imam we are proud of being related to. We adore him and find him the best of the prophet’s companions, and I acknowledge that he is the guardian of the prophet and the supporter of Muslims after the Prophet, and he is the one who was pledged allegiance to on the day of Khum.

He said further:

Although I differ from many of Sunnie people towards Ahlul-Bayet (Peace Be Upon Them), but this is my right of knowledge, following what the Prophet said on the day of Khum, “Whoever I am his master, Ali is his master, and Ali is my caliph after me”.

He also mentioned that he recognizes the great rank of Imam Ali’s father (Abo Talib) and how a great person he had been, after a long-drawn-out research he made through which he also realized that Umayyad people spread the notion of hating Abo Talib, as many of Sunnie scholars know that.

By: Wela' Es-Seffar

Translated by: Mohammed Jasim
