El-Kerbala’i: Judiciary and Security Institutions Must be Reformed As Soon As Possible

August 14, 2015. Second part of the Friday's Sermon held at the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine, the representative of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority and the preacher of the Friday's Sermon in Kerbala, His Eminence, sheikh Abdul-Mehdi El-Kerbala'e mentioned three issues, saying:


    The terrorist ISIS attacked Jamela, - a very crowd marketplace - with a suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device which killed hundreds of Iraqi innocents. Later on, the terrorist ISIS has announced committing this crime against Iraqi people. The ISIS, by committing such crimes, are attempting to revenge of the Iraqi people, because the Iraqis have stood against them and stopped them from achieving their inhumane projects.

         Therefore, and in solidarity with the bereaved families, we are sorrowfully expressing our deepest sympathy for this tragic loss, praying for the wounded to be recovered as soon as possible.


          Combating corruption has been one of the priorities of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority since the last regime was toppled, especially the last tent years when the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority has been emphasizing that the government has to crack down all kinds of demonstrative and financial corruption, and has declared that no improvement or advancement will be fulfilled with corruption.

            I’ll read some of the proclamations issued by the office of, His Eminence, sayyed Ali Es-Seystani, “May Allah Prolong His Life”. In April 2006, right before the government was formed, a proclamation was issued stating that, “One of the coming government’s tasks is to greatly combat corruption which is spread throughout the institutions of the Iraqi government, in which it poses a serious threat to everything. Therefore, corruptors have to be held into account and prosecuted as soon as possible.”

A proclamation was issued in September 2006, righter after the government was formed, emphasizing that the government had to empower the judiciary in order to prosecute corruptors.

     Another proclamation was issued in February 2011, stating that the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority called upon the parliament to take serious steps towards enhancing public services, especially electricity and the contents of the food stamp, in addition to eradicating unemployment and to combating corruption in all the institutions of the government. Moreover, all the unreasonable or unacceptable privileges of the parliament had to be cancelled, and any unnecessary positions would never be permissible to be introduced.


  It’s recently been declared that decisions have been passed in terms of reforming the state institutions, combating corruption, and fulfilling social equilibrium. And we really appreciate that and hope that the decisions will be executed soon, and we need to mention some of the most important demands that must be fulfilled:

                    A. Reforming the judiciary for it is forming a very important element towards the reform process; no reform can be performed without straight judiciary. Although corruption has invaded the judiciary, but there is a few decent judges who had never been accused of corruption; those can be depended on to reform the judiciary in order to be the starting point towards reforming the other governmental institutions.

                B. Many laws were legislated in the previous years; those opened up new vistas for practicing corruption. Therefore, the government and the parliament should reconsider those laws in order to cancel them or to modify them according to what’s required by the public interest. On the other hand, there will be a need for legislating new laws and one of those important laws should be on the salary scale of the state employees, so social equity is fulfilled – a high ranking official cannot be paid approximately $8500 while an employee’s salary is approximately $250.

           The government should know that the Iraqi people are observing their works and performance and they will deal with whoever procrastinates or obstructs applying the necessary reforms and combating corruption.

             It’s logical that good officials should be given an opportunity to prove their goodwill.

            May the Almighty Allah grant all people success to do what’s good for the Iraqis, their security, and their stability.

Translated by: Mohammed Jasim 
