Closing Ceremony of Global Conference on Scholar Waheed El-Bahbahani  

The Imam Hussein Holy Shrine witnessed the closing ceremony of the first global conference on scholar Waheed El-Bahbahani. The conference gathered a great number of researchers, writers and narrators, from many countries around the world, at the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine.

Such a conference where researchers, writers, narrators and scholars reviewed the intellectual revivalism of El-Bahbahani, and analyzed how it explains the present time and reality and the aberration people are witnessing nowadays.

The closing ceremony was begun with reciting some holy verses of the Noble Quran followed by the speech of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine, delivered by His Eminence sheikh Abdul-Mehdi El-Kerbala’i, in which he said that they were honored to have received such a great number of intelligentsia. He also said that the second part of the conference will hopefully be held in Bahbahan.

Ayyatullah sayyed Yathribi, president of Waheed El-Bahbahani Foundation in Iran, delivered a speech in which he expressed his thankfulness to those who worked so hard to make the conference succeed, especially the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine.

Other researchers and scholars delivered their speeches, expressing their gratitude for conducting such conferences and for the contribution made possible by the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine.

The Imam Hussein Holy Shrine then presented shields of appreciation to those who participated in the conference.

By: Ibrahim El-Oaini

Translated by: Mohammed Jasim
