Popular Mobilization Forces

On Eid; second sermon of Eid prayer, sayyed Murtadha El-Quzweeni, Eid prayer leader in the holy city of Kerbala, highly commended the unique victories that had been achieved by the Iraqi popular mobilization forces against the ISIS. 

His Eminence said that the patriotic Muslims’ prayers were heard by the Almighty Allah, and therefore most of the territories that the ISIS had taken over were liberated by the popular mobilization forces.  

He said further:

I myself have seen the security forces and popular mobilization forces carrying their weapons in a hand and distributing foods and water, in addition to other services, to the population inhabiting the hot zones, in another hand during Ramadhan month.

He called upon the government – (the concerned authorities) - to pay the dues of the popular mobilization soldiers because they have been sacrificing themselves for Iraq and the holy places, in addition to providing them with the important necessities to strongly stand against the ISIS.

He also called upon the political blocs to realistically live with the Iraqi nationals and soldiers on the battlefield in order to familiarize themselves with Iraqi people’s suffering.

Translated by: Mohammed Jasim