Es-Seystani: Next Year’s Budget Must be Set Based on Economics-Oriented Vision  

July 17, 2015. Second part of the Friday's Sermon held at the Imam Hussein holy shrine, the representative of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority and the preacher of the Friday's Sermon in Kerbala, His Eminence sayyed Ahmed Es-Safi, stated:   

The Islamic Supreme Religious Authority, His Eminence, sayyed Ali Es-Seystani, calls upon the Iraqi authorities to support Iraq’s security forces, Iraq’s army (The volunteers), Peshmerga forces, and the tribal armed people who have been fighting the ISIS for more than a year.

His Eminence also stated that next year’s budget must be set based on an economics-oriented vision, in addition to necessarily taking serious steps to limit the widespread financial corruption, about which we previously called upon the government, more than once, to deal with. And borrowing money from other countries may not be a suitable choice to deal with the financial status quo.

His Eminence also said:

On the occasion of Eid, we pray to the Almighty Allah for bestowing blessings upon Iraqi people and the entire Islamic nation, in addition to protecting our country from all types of danger especially terrorism. We pray that our beloved ones of the army, federal police, the volunteers, Peshmerga forces, and the tribal armed people, who are fighting the ISIS in the battlefield, be blessed.

Translated by: Mohammed Jasim