Zekret Sholt, Convert to Islam and Interprets Quran into German  

It’s been 26 years for Zerket Sholt, a Germany woman, since she converted into Islam, and now she has interpreted the Noble Quran into German and given 90000 copies to people in terms of having them familiarized with it.

She narrated how she embraced Islam saying:

I used to teach kids and elderly people Christianity in Germany 40 years ago. I met someone whose name was Yemani; he was one of the followers of Ahlul-Bayet (Peace Be Upon Them). We got married, and then I embraced Islam after 4 weeks of my marriage. I faced many problems with my family for marrying Yemani and embracing Islam at that time. My husband and I tried to have babies, but we could not. Therefore, I consulted doctors, but that would not help me. After that, I made a pilgrimage to Imam Er-Redha, in Iran; I offered my salutation and prayed to the Almighty Allah through the intercession of Imam Er-Redha (Peace Be Upon Him) for having a baby. Consequently, after 9 months, I had a baby and I named him Redha. That great event strengthened my belief in Islam. After that, I had an idea to interpret the Noble Quran into German, and I realized that the language with which the Almighty Allah addressed the people at that time was completely different than the current language of ours nowadays. Thus I began to study the Noble Quran, asked some specialists in the Quranic studies, depending on Arabic, Persian, and German books to interpret the Noble Quran. I did interpret it and provided it with explanation in order to make it easy for people to understand it.

It took Sholt, to interpret the Noble Quran approximately two years from 1999 to 2001. The interpreted copy was then revised in Qum, Iran, and then published 90000 copies.

She also said:

I am now 60 years old, and I thank the Almighty Allah for granting me this opportunity to make a pilgrimage to Imam Hussein and to Imam Er-Redha (Peace Be Upon Them) whom I have adopted as the role model to follow in my life.

By: Ahmed El-Qadhi

Translated by: Mohammed Jasim 
