Kansokya Nagoka: I’ll Convey my Impression on Kerbala to Japan  

The Japanese charge d'affaires to Iraq, Kansokya Nagoka, presented an official letter in which he expressed his thankfulness and appreciation to His Eminence, sheikh Abdul-Mehdi Ek-Kerbala’i; the representative of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority, His Eminence, sayyed Ali Es-Sestani; for the honorable hospitality he had been offered while he had been in the holy city of Kerbala.

He mentioned that Japan will play an important role in building the holy city of Kerbala.

The official letter Mr. Nagoka, sent to His Eminence, sheikh Abdul-Mehdi El-Kerbala’i, contains:

His Eminence, sheikh Abdul-Mehdi El-Kerbala’i

After my return home, I am pleased to extend my thankfulness and appreciation to you for the honorable hospitality I have received from you in any place I resided, which expressed firmer bonds of cordiality and friendship between us.

Although my visit was short, but I have been impressed by the holy city of Kerbala, and its people. I have also realized the cordiality people have towards Japan, and their interest in the Iraq-Japanese bonds and their expectations from the government and the Japanese companies to play a prominent role to build Kerbala. For my part, I will convey to Japan my great impression on Kerbala, and will look forward to more closely strengthening our relations and cooperation in order to advance.

My best wishes to you for more success, hoping you accept my sincere appreciation and respect.

It’s been mentioned that His Eminence, sheikh Abdul-Mehdi El-Kerbala’i, had met with Nagoka, in May 27, 2015, and discussed significant issues including the economic and scopes of investments for Kerbala, and supporting the displaced people.

Translated by: Mohammed Jasim
