As did previously — Supreme Religious Authority lays out road map to save Iraq

In Friday’s Sermon held at the Imam Hussain Shrine on November 1, 2019, the Shia Muslim Supreme Religious Authority laid out a new road map to save Iraq from its current crisis.

Sayyid Ahmed EsSafi, the representative of the Shia Muslim Supreme Religious Authority (sayyid Ali EsSistani), read out a statement issued by the office of His eminence EsSistani in which he said, “Respecting the Iraqi people’s will to determine their political, administrative system through conducting a referendum on the Iraqi constitution and periodic parliamentary elections has always been the principle the Shia Muslim Supreme Religious Authority has been adhered to and has affirmed ever since Iraq’s ex-regime was toppled.”

EsSafi added that the Supreme Religious Authority has always been the safety valve for the Iraqi people, especially during the period following the collapse of the ex-regime when he enjoined the Iraqi people to determine Iraq’s fate and build its future by themselves via voting for a new constitution that permitted them to elect their representatives in the parliament.

He continued, “The Supreme Religious Authority confirms that reform — although an inevitable necessity, as talked about more than once — has to be achieved by all the Iraqi people.”

EsSafi concluded, “The Supreme Religious Authority confirms that no person, a group of people, or a biased entity, or any regional or international party is allowed to drain the Iraqis’ self-determination and impose its view on them.”


Editing: Wela’ EsSeffar

Translation: Mohammed Elobaidi
