Global Officials Visit The Imam Hussein Museum

One of the great establishments of the Holy Shrine, is the Imam Hussein Museum which sustains the rarest ancient items. Sayyed Ala' Ahmed Dhiya' Ed-Deen, Museum Head states that during regular seasons, the number of people who enter the Museum does not exceed 2000. However during pilgrimage season, especially during this year's Arba'een Pilgrimage, the number of people who entered the Museum surpassed 10,000 according to thermal cameras that record everyone entering and exiting the museum. It was further stated that the Imam Hussein Museum is now globally recognized and officials from various world known universities and organizations who constantly visit the museum. Ensuring that during this year's Arba'een Pilgrimage, officials from United States, Canada, France, Germany, Tanzania, India, Pakistan, and Iran visited the Museum and expressed their admiration towards the Holy Shrine for such an establishment. By: Yasir Esh-Shimari Translated By: Ahmed Ali