Nigerian And Indonesian Delegates At the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine

Despite the millions of pilgrims arriving to Kerbala City during the Arbe'een Pilgrimage, the Secretariat General of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine did not prevent meeting with global delegates. For this reason, Sa'd Ed-Deen Hashim, Director of the Secretary General's office welcomed a delegate from Nigeria and Indonesia to discuss the recent and future global establishments of the Holy Shrine. The Nigerian delegates consisted of 90 male and female representatives who gifted a hand written Quran in the Kufi Font by Ahmed Saddiq Ali, and will soon be displayed in the Imam Hussein Museum. On the other side, the Indonesian delegates consisted of the supervisor of "Emilia," which is an organization representing Ahlul-Bait in Indonesia along with other converts to Islam. The delegate team expressed their high admiration to the Holy Shrine and their initiatives and discussed the awareness programs in Indonesia. By: Muhammad Rehman El-Masoudi Translated By: Ahmed Ali