El-Kerbala'i: Government Must Strategically Develop Plans To End ISIS

Dec 12, 2014. Second part of the Friday Sermon held in the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine, the representative of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority and the preacher of the Friday Sermon in Kerbala city, His Eminence Sheikh Abdul-Mehdi El-Kerbala'i mentioned three important issues: First: A special and sincere thanks and appreciation goes out to everyone who participated in making this year's Arba'een Pilgrimage a very unique one; different from all the past years. With this being said, a few points are recommended: 1st One must follow the examples presented by Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him) through the ultimate sacrifices offered by his great character for humanity. For this reason the pilgrims must spiritually and physically benefit from this great march. The pilgrims should have also benefited from the scholars and religious informants who dedicated their time for awareness and educations along the way to Kerbala city. 2nd The duty of awareness is not only the responsibility of the religious scholars or students. Every male and female believer must correct the wrong and spread the true way of the Islamic religion; by speaking out against any wrong actions. 3rd The numbers of foreign pilgrims this year have extremely increased compared to the past years. The City of Kerbala witnessed the arrival of over two million foreign pilgrims during this year's Arba'een Pilgrimage. For this reason, the responsible government departments must provide the necessary requirements for these pilgrims from the boarders they cross until they reach the City of Kerbala. 4th The procession leaders are also requested to provide the pilgrims with the appropriate pilgrimage conditions. Due to the fact, that the pilgrims need a humble atmosphere and suitable services provided to them. Second: The significant victories of the Military Forces along with the volunteers in some areas of the country are highly valued and appreciated. However, the terrorist organization (ISIS) is still conquering large areas that sustain significant Holy Shrines, for instance, Samara' and Balad. Nonetheless, the Military Forces and everyone fighting to protect this great country are requested to not stop at the achieved victories and to not have a sense of complacency. As a matter of fact, the military forces and volunteers must be vigilant in the face of these terrorist groups. Adding to that, the government must develop plans to restore the area conquered by ISIS and protect the freed areas. Third: The fight against corruption and the detection of fictitious elements in some of the security institutions are highly valued. Due to the fact that this corruption resulted in significant loss of state funds in addition to the catastrophic security implications. Translated By: Ahmed Ali