El-Kerbala'i: Urges Security Forces To Ensure Safety Of Pilgrims

Nov 28, 2014. Second part of the Friday Sermon held in the Imam Hussein holy shrine, the representative of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority and the preacher of the Friday Sermon in Kerbala city, His Eminence Sheikh Abdul-Mehdi El-Kerbala'i mentioned three important issues: First: The volunteers, tribes, and military forces are commended and deserve high respect and reverence for their great efforts in freeing the city of Begi and lifting the siege from the refinery. As well as freeing the city of Jelowla' and Es-Saadia; and the endurance of the military forces in the province of Anbar to repel the terrorist attacks of ISIS. With this being said, a few points are worthy of mentioning: 1st Despite the different segments, sect denominations, and languages of the honored Iraqi fighters, they are standing side by side to prevent the terrorist groups from having a foot step in their country. By doing so, this unification resulted in many great and honored victories. 2nd The achieved victories are great lessons for the political parties and leaders of the country who ought to learn how to sacrifice everything they have for the sake of the country and people. The fighter who sacrificed their live for their land by defending their fellow citizens must be taken as role models and symbol of inspiration by every citizens of this country. With the existence of sincerity for the home land, officials must also provide what is required of them from support and care for the all citizens; while overlooking the political differences. 3rd It is every official's responsibility to maintain the momentum of these victories and the perpetuation of providing moral support to all the fighters. However, it is very significant to avoid generalizing rumors about the fighters due to the fact that it lowers their confidence and results in loss of honorable commanders and fighters. 4th Once again, it is very significant to hasten the process of eliminating the existing corruption within government institutions and departments; even if the corrupt ones sustain high government position. By doing so, more positive results will occur and lead to a better future for the citizens and the government. Second: With the approach of the Arba'een Pilgrimage and the millions of pilgrims arriving at Kerbala city to make pilgrimage to Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him), a few point are presented: 1st The dear citizens are required to cooperate and comply with the security agencies to protect the pilgrims during the days of the pilgrimage. Due to the fact, that the millions of pilgrims have walked hundreds of miles just to reach the Shrine of Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him). 2nd Many foreign pilgrims are complaining about the increasing of Hotel costs in a very obscene manner. This is the least of what is said about the treatment of the pilgrims arriving during the seasonal pilgrimages. For this reason, one of the best deeds to do during the pilgrimage seasons is easing the way and providing all the necessities for the pilgrims. Translated By: Ahmed Ali
