Es:Safi: Officials Must Fight the Roots of Corruption and Expose its Threats

Nov 22, 2014. Second part of the Friday Sermon held in the Imam Hussein holy shrine, the representative of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority and the preacher of the Friday Sermon in Kerbala city, His Eminence Sayyed Ahmed Es-Safi mentioned three important points: First: It is evident that many factors in Iraq require more attention to be a better state than it is now. Yet, the most significant factor is the economic situation of the country. However, due to numerous and difficult conditions that the country passed through, various wealth opportunities were not invest in a proper way that serves the general public. For this reason, a few observations are presented: A Up until this point, the existence of an economic plan or a development strategy is still not clearly seen despite the enormous potential of the country. It is evident, that the reason behind this lack of development is caused by the delay in announcing the budget of 2014. This issue is very surprising and lamenting at the same time. Due to the fact that many government institutions are still pending funds to initiate or complete beneficial projects serving the citizens. B The complete dependence on one wealth (such as oil) to cover the financial and economic needs of the country, is not wise; due to the fact that it places the country under financial and economic risks. However, other opportunities such as Religious tourism and tourism in general can also be dependent on. For this reason, more attention to the civilization of the country is required through enriching museums, highlighting the heritage of ancient cities, and enriching agriculture projects. This is the responsibility and duty of the officials to work harder in order to strengthen the economic situation of the country. C In addition, the lack of attention to the industrial industry is not only limited to the non-development of new industries, however, existing industries are being highly neglected. For this reason, officials must provide the necessary supplies for the factories in order to take advantage of the various wealth sustain by the country. Second: Supervision is a very important issue that is overlooked in many government departments and institutions. It has been reported that many departments are delaying or not even completing applications submitted by the citizens. However, when deeply examining the cause, it was clearly seen that there was no supervision looking or checking up on neither the worker nor the applications. As a result, it delayed many projects and played a great role in the non-development of this country. Third: We commend the great victories of our dear, brave, and courageous fighters who stood strong against the will of the terrorist groups. At the same time, the government must allocate financial support for the volunteers and fighters due to their tremendous efforts. Translated By: Ahmed Ali
