El-Kerbala'i: Commends Government And Calls Parliament To Hasten The Process of Announcing The 2014 Budget

Nov 14, 2014. Second part of the Friday Sermon held in the Imam Hussein holy shrine, the representative of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority and the preacher of the Friday Sermon in Kerbala city, His Eminence Sheikh Abdul-Mehdi El-Kerbala'i mentioned two important issues: First: During the past few weeks, the government has sent its officials to various countries seeking harmony and a chance of cooperation with them to increase and hasten the development of this country. Moreover, the Ministry of Defense has announced the replacement of many of its officials due to the existing corruption and lack of military support. For this reason, a few significant points are presented… 1st It has become clear to all government officials and many citizens the reason that led to the collapse of the military system which gave ISIS the opportunity to conquer a portion of land in Iraq. Why do many government institutions fail to properly perform its functions? The reasons behind these failures originate from the financial and administrative corruption that exists in most of the governments institutions. This can only be addressed if the leaders from different political parties cooperate with each other to stand seriously and strictly against the corruption without any fear or apprehension. Adding to that, it is the responsibility of the superior leaders who sustain the power in the government to point out the ones behind this corruption along with their affiliates. 2nd The vocational building of state institution requires the reformation and improvement of the institutions at different levels. For this reason, loyalty must be the number one criteria when choosing officials for a government party or group. Due to the fact that in order to properly govern and maintain any government institution, party members must meet the competence, integrity, and fidelity standards. 3rd The past years have proven that the differences between political parties and the lack of harmony and understanding have negatively impact the country and its citizens. For this reason, they must work as one team for the benefit of the country and the people, not for personal benefits. By doing so, they will be able to overcome the threats that surround the country and the civilians. 4th One of the significant factors that will stabilize the current situation and motivate the citizens to cooperate and support the government is through providing the citizens with the necessary living supplies/expenses and legitimate response to their demands. With this being said, it is very important to emphasize the situation of the University students who were forced to leave their homes due to the terrorist groups conquering their cities. Furthermore, many students are complaining about the refusal by universities despite their high averages such as 97%. For this reason, the Education Ministry is requested to do whatever it takes to reward the students for their hard work and dedication to their education. Second: The lack of confession of the 2014 budget has negatively impacted the development of the country and led to the lack of accomplishment of many necessary and beneficial projects serving the citizens. Most importantly, it decreased job opportunities and graduates are unable to find jobs according to their specialty. Hence, the government must hasten the process of announcing the 2014 to end the depression of this country. Translated By: Ahmed Ali
