El-Kerbala'I: Reemphasizing Rapid Support From Ministry Of Defense While Highly Valuing The Current Victories

Oct 31, 2014. Second part of the Friday Sermon held in the Imam Hussein holy shrine, the representative of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority and the preacher of the Friday Sermon in Kerbala city, His Eminence Sheikh Abdul-Mehdi El-Kerbala'i mentioned three important issues: First: In these current days, various battlefields around the country are witnessing significant military victories and success against the terrorist groups who have conquered some land for the past few months. With this being said, three points are presented: 1st In order for the continuation of these victories, the government must allocate the majority of its power and energy to provide the necessary living and health supplies, military reinforcements, and strategic military plans. Despite the existing lack of support, the volunteers and military forces refused to take days off, and demand to stay in the battlefields fighting for their land. 2nd These victories have proved the independence, courage and bravery of the dear fighters and that they are capable of freeing the country from the hands of the terrorist groups. However, this does not mean giving up the support from the friendly neighbor countries and cutting ties with them. 3rd The accomplished victories have revealed the falsity of the broadcasted news by some individuals and media campaigns. Due to the fact that there motive is to amplify the power of the terrorist groups and introduce terror and fear to try and weaken the confidence of the fighters. For this reason, the dear volunteers and military forces must maintain their level of confidence and defend their land and the Holy Shrines. Second: A huge number of southern tribe members have been executed by ISIS for defending their families and their land. We send our condolences to the families of these martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the sake of their country. However, the dear families who lost their loved ones are requested to stay strong and to not allow the enemy to lower their confidence, because this nation will soon reach victory by the will Of Allah the Almighty. Third: The current days of Muharram are witnessing the pilgrimage walk to Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him) from around the globe. Never the less, the brave and courageous warriors who are defending their land and their families are embodying the cause of Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him) on the day of Ashura. For this reason, the dear pilgrims and processions leaders are requested to fully cooperate with the security agencies to paralyze the attacks of the terrorist groups. Lastly, it is significant to reemphasize the continuation of assisting and providing support for the displaced citizens. Translated By: Ahmed Ali
