El-Kerbala'i: Called-up Volunteers Should be Enlisted & Taken Care of, & National Guard Force to be Properly Formed

Oct 3, 2014. Second part of the Friday Sermon held in the Imam Hussein holy shrine, the representative of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority and the preacher of the Friday Sermon in Kerbala city, His Eminence Sheikh Abdul-Mehdi El-Kerbala'i mentioned three important issues: First. The called-up volunteers who have recently joined the Iraqi army in the battlefield are highly thanked. They should be cautious all the time, especially when operating in the areas where Holy Shrines are. It is highly needed to have more volunteers join the their brothers in the battlefields to fight the ISIS for this war has a significant role to prove steadfastness against terrorism. Therefore, the Iraqi government should take actions to provide them with the necessary requirements and to give them their salaries, in addition to supplying them with the weapons and ammunition required so as to fight the ISIS. Second. Nowadays, it is being discussed in order to form the national guard force in Iraq, and that might require the following: 1. Previous experiences of building the security forces should be reconsidered in order to come up with the best system and away from committing mistakes. 2. Adopting soldiers of a certain denomination should be avoided, and therefore soldiers never think they are defending their own denomination, and should understand they are defending all Iraq. 3. Adopting the standards of qualification, occupation, integrity, and patriotism in choosing figures for the headquarters. 4. Financial and technical mechanism should be adopted in order to prevent the corrupt officials from infiltrating. 5. Instilling patriotism in the soldiers where they should be brave enough to defend their country because the last relapse was due to a lack of patriotism. Third. Two ministers should be assigned to the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of the Interior as soon as possible, and they should be of great qualification and integrity, and therefore all those in the authority must prioritize the interest of Iraq to any other interests in choosing the best officials to suit such positions. Translated by: Mohammed Jasim