Japanese Muslim proselyte: "Allah, When Would You Help Me Reach Imam Hussein 'Peace Be Upon Him'"

Atch Qushno, a Japanese lady who converted into Islam 12 years ago, visited the stand of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine at the Second International Mass Media Exhibition held in Tehran, Iran. Qushno expressed her gratitude to the blessing attendance of the stand of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine. She clutched into Imam Hussein banner crying, saying, "O Allah, when would You grant me success to offer pilgrimage to who sacrificed himself for You 'Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him)' in order to support Your religion?" She said that she changed her name into Fatima, after she had married a man from Iran. She also expressed her appreciation to the stand of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine for granting people the chance to learn about the activities of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine and for helping people offer pilgrimage by proxy to Imam Hussein (Peace Be Upon Him). By: Ahmed Ali Hasan Translated by: Mohammed Jasim